When faced with the cold days of the holiday season, you’ll want to do all you can to keep the heating bills down. This means minimizing the time spent heating your home and slowing the rate at which that heated air escapes your house. Below are the steps to help you save energy during the holidays.

Have Heating Maintenance Done

Maintenance at least every autumn can prevent a host of issues from growing and compromising your heater’s performance. From air filter replacement to coil cleaning, have a professional take on every aspect. Many residents of Roseville, MI, rely on C & C Heating and Air Conditioning for their tune-ups, and by doing so, they receive priority treatment, repair discounts, and other benefits.

Create a Heating Schedule

If you own a programmable thermostat, you can set it so that the heater only turns on when you’re awake and actually inside the home. Consider lowering the temperature to the mid-60s rather than the 70s; it doesn’t take much to stay comfortable, and setting a lower temperature will save you energy and money in the long run.


It may be that your heated air is escaping through cracks in the doors, windows, and attic. Weatherstripping refers to the process of sealing these cracks, and it can be considered a DIY project. An infrared sensor could detect areas of heat loss, and materials like foam tape and caulking can be used for the sealing.

Adding Insulation

Every house should have its attic and wall cavities insulated. If yours already contains insulation, perhaps you could check to see if there are enough layers or if the R-value of the current insulation is sufficient.

Your Team of Energy Efficiency Technicians

C & C Heating and Air Conditioning has been serving the people of Roseville and surrounding areas since 1948, and we specialize in heating and cooling. That’s not all, though. We also offer duct cleaning and install features like air purifiers and germicidal lights. Give us a call today for more details.

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