SEMCO Energy Residential Promotions
SEMCO Energy residential customers could qualify for the following bonus rebate promotions for a limited time.
$140 Rebate on Smart Thermostats
- Primary heating system must be natural gas.
- Wi-Fi programmable thermostat must replace a non-programmable thermostat.
- Limit one per household, available while funds last.
Early Retirement Bonus
- $500 Rebate on a 94+ AFUE Natural Gas Furnace replacement
- $700 Rebate on a 96+ AFUE Natural Gas Furnace replacement
- $900 Rebate on a 98+ AFUE Natural Gas Furnace replacement
- New furnace must replace a working furnace.
- Total rebate amount cannot exceed total project cost.
- Limit one per household, available while funds last on a first-come, first-served basis.